Each month we highlight one of our members, not only because they are fabulous people but also because we fully believe that shared experience and knowledge is important and makes everyone better people.

What is your name?
Rebecca (Becca) Steifle
Where are you at in the world?
Greenville, South Carolina (“Upstate” SC)
What is your job title and place of work?
EAA/Renewable Water Resources (ReWa)
How long have you been an admin or assistant?
“Officially” – 4 years. “Retired” 20-yr banker.
What are your favorite admin tools?
OUTLOOK! My calendar (color coded and confuses most people) and my task bar. I live and die by my calendar and my task bar (and yes, it’s color coded, too).
I work for the CEO (who is in very high demand), 3 other Chief officers, 8 Board members, and quite honestly anyone else who needs my help. To say I schedule a lot of meetings would be an understatement (thus the need for colors). #calendarmanagement
We could not live without email for sure!
I prepare a great deal of PowerPoints for my CEO and others, but am learning Prezi to improve upon them. I will soon be learning Trello (thanks to Lauren) as I work on a great deal of projects. I’ve recently taught myself TEAMS for a specific project and can see us using it for other projects. Thanks to knowing Slack via The Officials, this wasn’t hard to learn.
My CEO and Board members travel a lot, so I love our ReWa branded folders to prepare “travel packets”. And who doesn’t need sticky notes and “sign here” stickies… And please don’t remove my blue pen from my desk (though I stash a box in my desk).
Finally, two monitors. I could never work with only one!
How do you stay on top of your to do list?
First, I always ensure my CEO is taken care of first, and daily. I proactively and purposefully meet with him 2 times a day – no set time – in the AM and PM. I ensure I have a list of things to discuss with him (and I take my PC to his office for easy access to his calendar/emails) to ensure we are on the same page and to discuss any requests we need to review. I like face-to-face meetings with him and he’s fun! I implemented these impromptu daily meetings mid-last year. It improves our communication and builds our relationship/rapport. Manage up!!!
For items that can wait, I put them in Outlook (task list) with a reminder date and categorize them (and of course color code them). For other items, I write them down on my “paper” to do list – these are typically requests I receive when someone walks up to my desk and needs something. I transfer these to the appropriate place once they are gone. I am never without a notebook.
I keep emails in my inbox that others, or me, are responsible for completing in the very near future. So for example, if I send you an email and it requires a response, I put it back in my inbox as “unread” so I can track it (or I might turn it into a task with a due date because I am so very OCD and hate a cluttered inbox – if I can’t see white at the end of my emails, I get a little panicky.)
I do work out of a few stacks that I suppose you could say are my “immediate” to do list. I call this organized chaos.
Finally, I have created several forms for repetitive tasks that I keep handy (meeting requests, booking rooms/catering lunches, etc.) that allow me to request all information at one time.
I love to be able to delete emails, check things off my lists, or pull items out of my stack and throw them out once completed. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment.
What is your favorite part of the job?
Simply put – helping people. My purpose, I have learned, is to serve others. I have a servant’s heart. I served in banking for 20 years, and am so fortunate to continue to do this today in an unbelievable corporate culture. In my role , I am helping internal customers and external customer everyday. It is my greatest joy. My second greatest joy is making you laugh while doing my job – and I think I have a great sense of humor. I jokingly have always said I’d love to have been a stand-up comic – so I suppose I am doing that – just not on stage. I work in a relaxed environment, but know there is a time and a place. We work hard and we play hard. We all need to laugh. It’s good for the soul.
Another favorite part of my job is the people. We are truly a family. I always thought we had the best corporate culture at my community bank, but it doesn’t even compare to ReWa. I am truly blessed. When we have big rain events and know our guys in the plants will be out working in the weather, we ensure they all have a hot breakfast and lunch to come back to.
When something happens to one of us or a family member, we pull together and support one another. We all care about one another and it shows.
Finally, I love the fact that not only is ReWa one of the largest wastewater treatment companies in the Southeast, cleaning over 40 million gallons of wastewater per day and safely introducing clean, re-usable water back into the environment thus preserving the beauty of our waterways, the purity of our streams and the integrity of our infrastructure – we also have some very cool initiatives to further help our environment, we are involved with schools to educate young children about water, we partner with others in the community for educational purposes, and we’ve even worked with a third world country to help raise money to build a well so that they may have access to clean water.
So a few fun facts:
– Three of our nine facilities use solar power.
– We partner with South Caroline Department of Health and Environmental Control to keep oyster beds alive through our ReWa Oyster Shell Recycling Program.
– We partner with an area hospital and the County Sheriffs Office to provide free, safe drug take-back drop box locations (7 – as it’s not good for the environment for drugs to be flushed).
– We have a beautiful, educational Native Plant and Water Garden, Water Discovery Lab which is an educational facility in addition to being a functional state-of-the art lab. Our facilities are in high demand for use to host events.
– We educate the public on the importance of “Potty Protocol” – flushing the right things, and “FOG” (Fats, Oils and Grease) – how to safely dispose of these items vs putting them down your kitchen drain.
Tell us something you are proud of professionally?
At the age of 44, I was determined to change careers. I was no longer finding “joy” in banking, and on top of being unhappy at work (ok, miserable), I was dealing with several very difficult personal situations – to include a painful breakup of a very long-term relationship and severe clinical depression. It wasn’t easy, but I eventually accepted that break-up and I beat the depression. I got UP! I found ReWa and I ROCKED all of my interviews. I decided what I wanted and went after it – at 44 years of age. You are never too old to live the life you want. You just have to take a step in the right direction. I am grateful, happy, blessed, and joyful!!
I also learned that “Regardless of title, we are ALL LEADERS.”
What is some of the best advice you’ve been given that relates to your job?
Manage up! This was wonderful advice that EMPOWERED me to go to others proactively vs waiting on them (i.e. my CEO and other Chiefs). It also empowered me to reach out to others (above me, peers, etc.) because I also learned that “Regardless of title, we are ALL LEADERS.” I remember this everyday… I AM A LEADER!! I have many important things to contribute. And, I am a valuable team player.
“Let your emotions drive you, but do not make your decisions for you.”
We all have times in our jobs where we may experience a bit of stress… but we need to ensure that we do not make decisions, especially as EAAs, EAs, PAs, etc. out of emotion. We need to always ensure we are rational, logical and representing ourselves and our companies/people well.
What website do you visit the most?
GOOGLE everything! FOX News. The Officials.
Currently watching/reading/listening to:
Any college basketball game… huge fan! It’s almost March Madness! YEAH!
I am about to start the book Draw Your Circle during Lent. I have ordered Untamed by Glennon Doyle that I am ordering today and I cannot wait to read it – thanks, Lauren! I read a lot, but have not made/had the time to read lately. I love biographies (I think I read 4 last year) and crime stories (always wanted to be an attorney). FYI, the book Unified by former US Congressman Trey Gowdy and current US Congressman Tim Scott is an AMAZING book. It’s not political at all (shocking I know). I believe everyone should read it.
I am a runner, so I listen to ALL kinds of music in my earbuds. You’d likely be a little shocked. 🙂
If you were handed a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
So many places, but… Italy for a minimum of 2 weeks – bucket list! I particularly want to explore Venice (I want to tour the canals) and Tuscany. I love Italian food and I watch many shows on Italy and believe it to be a most beautiful place!!
Why are you a member of The Officials?
I started with the mentorship, which was AMAZING. I fell in love with Lauren and all that she believes in and does. I’ve now fallen in love with the Slack group! I’ve made so many wonderful connections. From 1/2 way across the world, Lauren has connected me with an EAA in my city. Amazing! The Slack group is so supportive of each other and a great resource to all. I love everyone’s personalities! I also find the Newsletter very valuable – especially the videos/library. In one word – EVERYTHING!
I am grateful to have found Lauren and the mentorship program and to now “officially” be an Official. Thank you Lauren for ALL that you do to help and support this community to THRIVE! xoxo
Thank you, Becca! Your openness, vulnerability and servant’s heart draw people to you and are only a part of what make you an incredible shining light in our community.
If you would like to connect with Becca and our many other incredibly supportive members then join The Officials HQ. We are waiting to welcome you with open arms.
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