Each month we highlight one of our members, not only because they are fabulous people but also because we fully believe that shared experience and knowledge is important and makes everyone better people.
What is your name?
Eva Soto
Where are you at in the world?
Beautiful Barcelona.
What is your job title and place of work?
I’m an Executive Assistant at HP.
How long have you been an admin or assistant?
+ 15 years.
What are your favorite admin tools?
Stationery: If I can only choose one, it should be the dotted notebook LEUCHTTURM1917. Awhile ago I started with the bullet journal method from Ryder Carroll and it has helped me with the mental overload we experience from time to time. I also use an ARC notebook for reference materials and the online version: OneNote.
Apps and software: Breevy for shortcuts; Toggl to track the time I spend on each task (the best part is that you receive a weekly summary with the time invested in each category). I’ve realized that things that I mentally think that only take 5 minutes to be done, it sometimes takes 30 minutes. This has helped me to be more realistic in my to-do lists.
I also have several templates in Outlook, customized quick steps and rules. I also use on a regular basis: Slack, Teams, Trello, Google Keep and Pocket. To keep learning I have on my mobile phone: TED, Kindle and LinkedIn Learning apps.
How do you stay on top of your to do list?
I try to do my best following a combination of GTD and the Bullet Journal Method, taking notes and prioritizing the daily and weekly logs but also scheduling these tasks on GCalendar. That’s what has worked for me. I have struggled with a huge amount of work because besides working as EA to 2 active Directors with complex agendas, I’m also a volunteer at HP Women’s Impact Network, IMA (International Management Assistants) Spain and TEDx Eixample, meaning that I really need to ensure that I keep track of all the open items and prioritize.
What is your favorite part of the job?
Two main reasons: First, how dynamic it is as no two days are the same. Second, knowing that the jobs we do make our Executives and teams more effective and productive. We are an integral part of the team. We are the members that happen to be the ones who most care about our coworkers and this has a direct impact on our business as we make their lives easier, enabling them to focus on what they should focus on.
Tell us something you are proud of professionally?
I am proud of the EAs Community and the work we are all doing to elevate the role. My view has completely changed since I joined IMA (International Management Assistants) and The Officials. I really see that there is an active EA/PA Community that cares and encourages each other to keep learning and growing.
What is some of the best advice you’ve been given that relates to your job?
By far, the best one is to keep learning and stay curious. That’s the only way to be on the game in our always evolving role.
What website do you visit the most?
Linkedin Learning, Executive Secretary Magazine and, since The Officials was launched, I am watching the monthly pieces of training.
Currently watching/reading/listening to:
Watching: Netflix – The Crown Reading: The Founder and Force Multiplier by Adam Hergenrother and Hallie Warner Listening: TED talks but also podcast from some Spanish Comedians. It really depends on the day.
If you were handed a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
Anywhere. I am sure I’ll enjoy any place and learn from its culture and people.
Why are you a member of The Officials?
I enjoy all the activities and initiatives from The Officials: the mentoring programs, the monthly courses with videos and tailor-made resources and documents, the Slack group… I highly recommend it to any assistant!
Thank you so much, Eva, for being such a force in our industry! Thank you for letting us get to know you better and for all you do for our industry!
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