Today is May 20th, which happens to be the original (extremely ambitious!) deadline I set to launch the Officials HQ.
It will not be launching today, but it is so very close. I want to make sure I get it right and I need to balance that with client work that helps fund the site at the moment. Of course, the site will continue to improve after the launch but I want to make sure the content is really what you, The Officials, are looking for from launch day. That requires a lot of content, designing and testing. All of which I love, it just is taking slightly longer than I’d hoped.
I can tell you the amount of work to be done to build this platform has at times been overwhelming. I’ve reached for one too many pieces of chocolate to cope while I feverishly tap away, churning out the content you need. However, all that “coping” only makes you more sluggish. So instead of moping and kicking myself, I decided to get myself in the best frame of mind to make sure the launch, which is coming very shortly, is as good as can be. Today, I went for a run in the park, swung by the supermarket for lots of healthy treats and now I’m back at my computer with a moderately clear client schedule this week and I will continue to create and test until it’s right.
So if you have ever missed a deadline, remember that each day is a fresh start. Today I ran in the park, meditated for a few minutes by a beautiful pond and set my intention for the day, which is to be productive, healthy and to do it all with joy. So far so good. In fact, I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Not something you would normally say on a day you’ve missed a deadline.