Invisible to Influential Webinar for Admins and Assistants

Invisible to Influential: 
3 Tricks to Becoming an Influential Assistant 

Download your Influential Action Plan.


Down your free Influential Action Plan.

The Influential Assistant Course

The Influential Assistant Course (Cover)

This course is now available on The Officials HQ membership platform. It addresses changing the narrative,  imposter syndrome, a big secret that you don’t know about leaders, how to say no without saying no, tone that resonates, posture and appearance, making connections, public speaking and so much more.

  • 3 course books
  • 12 videos 
  • 7 downloadables 

One member said about The Influential Assistant course, “Yes!!!! Influence and confidence!!! Really enjoying the course books and videos!!!”

Each month a new course drops in HQ. Plus you get access to amazing assistants and admins worldwide ready to support you and offer advice.

I hope I see you there. 

Lots of love,
x Lauren

PS If you are on Instagram check us out at @jointheofficials.

Courses in HQ…