Tone that resonates

Tone is so important to being influential. You most likely only need to just be aware of your tone throughout the day and make small adjustments when you need to be taken more seriously.

I find the best way to do this is to think about someone you know who is a leader you admire. It could be a grandparent, parent, manager, etc that just has a way of speaking that compels people to want to do things for them.

If they are someone you see regularly, pay attention to their tone and posture. Think about how you can emulate those characteristics.

If they are someone you see regularly, pay attention to their tone. Practice speaking like them in a mirror. Especially if you want to discuss something important like a pay raise.


This is a tone that is neither approval seeking nor authoritative. This essentially should be your most authentic voice.


This tone should be slightly more commanding but not louder. It doesn’t have to communicate that you are the boss but that you are to be respected and taken seriously and that you are making the decisions.